Ubuntu: sharing music with iTunes

sudo aptitude install mt-daapd Edit /etc/mt-daapd.conf so that mp3_dir = [your music directory]. (Also any other configuration changes you might want to make; the file is well-commented.) sudo /etc/init.d/mt-daapd restart Really this would work on any Debian-derived distro… but I’ve only tried it on Ubuntu. Update: It looks like mt-daapd puts an admin interface on …

Disadvantages to a Hollywood office

Yesterday when leaving work I stepped out the back door of our building and almost blundered through someone filming a scene for something. The back doors of our building had been made over into a hospital entrance, and someone who was the very embodiment of The Wise Old Bum was dispensing advice to people in …

Three gigabytes free…ish

WordPress.com announced yesterday that all users get three gigabytes of upload space for free. This is a teensy upgrade from 50MB. This seems to be primarily for psychological reasons, because there’s a big fat * after the upgrade. The footnote is that Mr. Mullenweg mentions in this post that “[y]ou still need a space upgrade …

Why I can’t play Dungeon Runners

Last night I thought to myself “hey, I know, I’ll try out Dungeon Runners!” It’s a pseudo-free pseudo-MMO, which could be described as a Diablo parody – that’s the sort of game that sounds appealing to me. Sadly, I discovered that Dungeon Runners is not a game I can play. You see, it requires that …