maphilight: image map mouseover highlighting

UPDATE 2011-05-04: Version 1.3 released. Works in IE9. (There’s a pattern here.)

UPDATE 2010-05-22: Version 1.2 released. Works in IE8.

I just released maphilight, a jQuery plugin that turns image maps into wonderful graphical masterpieces.

Image maps aren’t so popular any more, for some strange reason. So a quick definition: an imagemap is an <img> with the usemap attribute, pointing to a <map> that describes polygons that link places within that image.

This sprung from me wanting to display pretty highlighting of countries on a map, but not wanting to mess with flash for it. It involves enough annoying fiddling with <canvas> (and VML, because IE is in the stone age) that I feel I’m saving other people a decent amount of work by releasing it.

(Tools like “HTML-Image map Creator WYSIWYG” might be handy if you want to make image maps yourself.)