You can get a pretty good overview at my wowace profile.
- SilverDragon
- Tracks the location of rare spawns
- DropTheCheapestThing
- Funnily enough, lets you drop the cheapest thing you have
- LootSink
- Funnels your loot notices into floating combat text
- ServerRestartSound
- Plays a sound to warn you when the server is about to restart
- QuestPointer
- Sticks quest POI icons onto your minimap, and points arrows towards them
- OpenAll
- Opens all your mail
- BetterQuest
- A questing addon
- FuBar_QuestsFu
- A questing addon for FuBar
- BankStack
- Moves items around for you. Sorts your bags.
- BuffDrop
- Really simple but hard to miss warning when a buff drops
- Broker_Skills
- Broker display for your tradeskills
- Broker_Speed
- Broker display for your current speed
- Want to know how much of a recipe you could make if you visited the bank? If you went to the vendor and bought mats? Now you shall know!
- Broker2Fubar
- Shows your LibDataBroker sources in FuBar.
Also contributed to...
- Mendeleev
- Rewrote the sets menu, added most of the 1-59 dungeon reward sets, jewelcrafting, and lockpicking data
- BulkMail2
- Wrote the GUI
- PeriodicTable (lib)
- Added lockbox skill requirements
- PitBull
- Wrote the Portait module
- ag_UnitFrames
- Wrote portrait system (notice a theme?)
- Quartz
- Rewrote the flight timer module, and added support for ToFu
- ColaLight
- Rewrote entire display and tooltip hooking functionality
Ancilliary utilities
- A Python-based addon updater for addons hosted on (No longer works, since wowace changed vastly.)
- "Top list" data miner
- Blizzard publishes daily rankings of various bits of data -- most killed mobs, deadliest mobs, most completed quests, and so forth. I wrote a parser to grab and save this stuff, intending to write an app to make it more searchable. I never got around to that... but it does work.